Renting a bot is easy! Simply go to our Marketplace page and select a trading bot that fits your preferred aims and risk profile. You can either run that bot with paper trading, or proceed directly to live trading by connecting your exchange account.
No, Trading402 doesn’t take any fees from your trades.
Yes, at Trading402 this is accomplished via virtual accounts. In fact, we encourage users to employ these tests and all strategies should actually be validated this way before deploying with real money.
Unfortunately, the only guaranteed things in life are death and taxes. While trading bots confer many advantages for their users, they cannot guarantee profits.
Thank you for considering our trading bot software. It’s essential to approach the topic of automated trading with a clear understanding: while our software streamlines the trading process and brings many benefits, profits cannot be guaranteed due to the unpredictable nature of financial markets.
That said, our software offers significant advantages at an affordable price of just £59.99 per month. One of the key benefits is time efficiency. The bot can save you around 50 hours per month, a time you would otherwise spend on manual trading activities like finding trades, performing technical analysis, executing transactions, and managing risks. If you calculate the value of this time based on the average minimum wage of £10.92 per hour, it amounts to about £546 monthly.
Beyond time-saving, one of the strongest advantages of our trading bot is its emotionless, rule-based decision-making process. Unlike human traders, especially those new to trading, our bot is not swayed by emotions, which can often lead to impulsive and detrimental decisions. Statistics show that a high percentage of new traders – around 98% – lose money, frequently due to emotional trading and lack of discipline. Our bot strictly adheres to predefined trading strategies, ensuring that each decision is based on logical analysis and established criteria.
This disciplined, emotion-free approach can be particularly beneficial during volatile market conditions, where human traders might be tempted to deviate from their trading plans. By maintaining consistency and objectivity, our software helps in mitigating some of the common pitfalls that new traders face.
Consider our trading bot as an essential tool in your trading toolkit, much like a subscription to a platform like Tradingview, but with the added benefits of automated execution and emotion-free trading. It’s designed to assist you in navigating the markets more efficiently and systematically.
In summary, while we cannot promise guaranteed profits – as no tool can in the dynamic world of trading – our software provides a robust, rule-based system that operates without emotional interference, potentially giving you an edge in your trading activities. It’s an investment in efficiency and discipline, two crucial components for success in financial markets.
Disclaimer: The stock and cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and speculative, and any trading activity is ultimately done at your own risk. Always remember the golden rule: never invest more than you can afford to lose.
As you may have noticed on Pricing page that each subscription shows Trades per month. That number is estimated and difficult to know exactly how many trades your bot will take there maybe no trades in a month if market doesnt present the opportunity for bot to take any trades.

Enterprise-ready. Reach out for a custom quote.
Trading402 is designed to work great for large enterprises. Take a look at our feature comparison.